When forces are ______ they are equal and opposite and their is ________ ___________.

When forces are "balanced," they are equal and opposite to each other, and there is no change in motion. To determine if forces are balanced, you need to follow these steps:

1. Identify all the forces acting on an object.
2. Determine the direction and magnitude of each force.
3. Add up all the forces in each direction separately (horizontally and vertically).
4. If the sum of the forces in each direction is zero, then they are balanced forces.
5. If the sum of the forces is not zero, they are unbalanced forces, and the object will experience a change in motion.

Therefore, when the forces are balanced, they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, resulting in no net force acting on the object. This means that the object will either remain at rest or continue moving at a constant velocity.