i want help for krutisanshodhan

Is krutisanshodhan a subject, a book or a person?

We can only handle specific questions. If you ask one, preferably in English or another European language, someone will try to help.

According to Google, there are some books with krutisanshodhan in the title, but they are in Marathi language. Although about 90 million people speak that language, none of our staff do, to my knowledge.

yes ,i need the refrences in marathi

Sure! I can help you with Krutisanshodhan, which is a term associated with the Sanskrit language. Krutisanshodhan refers to the process of refining or purifying a Sanskrit composition or verse.

To perform Krutisanshodhan effectively, you should follow these steps:

1. Understand the meaning: Start by comprehending the overall meaning and theme of the composition. This involves knowing the subject matter, characters, and any symbolic elements present. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the intended message.

2. Analyze the structure: Break down the structure of the verse or composition. Identify the various parts, such as the opening, middle, and conclusion. Determine the types of meters and their arrangement in the verse.

3. Study the grammar: Pay attention to the grammatical aspects of the composition. Analyze the word order, sentence structure, and grammatical rules being followed. Verify if the composition adheres to the appropriate grammar rules of Sanskrit or any specific style of writing.

4. Identify errors: Carefully review the composition for any grammatical, syntactical, or semantic errors. Look for incorrect word usage, inconsistent tenses, misplaced modifiers, or inappropriate expressions. Cross-check with standard Sanskrit grammar references or seek the help of experts to identify mistakes.

5. Make revisions: Once you have identified the errors, make the necessary revisions in the composition. Correct the tenses, rephrase ambiguous sentences, replace incorrect words, and ensure the message is conveyed accurately. Maintain the original essence and style of the composition while making improvements.

6. Seek feedback: Share your revised composition with proficient Sanskrit scholars or experts in the field. Request their feedback and suggestions for further refining the piece. This step helps to get an objective perspective and refine the composition to a higher level.

Remember that Krutisanshodhan requires time, patience, and proficiency in Sanskrit language, grammar, and composition. It is crucial to refer to reliable Sanskrit resources, seek guidance from experts, and continuously refine your skills to master this process.