38. "_______"

"Ramon, Esteban y Teodora."
a. ¿Cómo son?
b. ¿Cómo se llama?
c. ¿Cómo te llamas?
d. ¿Cómo se llaman?

39. Mi perro es guapo; _____ ojos son negros.
a. sus
b. tiene
c. su
d. mis

40. La amiga de mi abuela tiene ____ años.
a. mayores
b. cien
c. viejos
d. jovenes

41. "¿No somos buena amigas?"
"Sí _____________."
a. somos muy buenas amigas
b. ellas son buenas amigas
c. usted y el son buenos amigos
d. yo soy una amiga buena

42. yo tengo muchos amigos. No soy _______.
a. sociable
b. simpatico
c. gracioso
d. antipatico

43. Mi profesor habla muy bien el ingles y el español. Es muy _______.
a. inteligente
b. español
c. ingles
d. nosotros

44. Nadie va al cine; __________ van a estudiar en mi casa.
a. quienes
b. todos
c. mi amigo y yo
d. nosotros

45. Mi hermano Martin tiene quince años y yo tengo diecisiete. Martin es mi hermano
a. menor
b. viejo
c. pequeña
d. prudente
Can't decide between A and C...


40 need a number

45 comparing ages. younger, not size

Agreed with anonymous.

I don't quite understand what anonymous meant.


Well, let me explain!

40. C is the answer. Why? "My grandmother's friend is ..........years old. The only number there is "cien."

42. Please put ALL the necessary accents there = antipático

45. A. BASIC in Spanish is that all adjectives have the same number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) as the noun modified. How would YOUR brother (hermano = masculine & singular feel about having an adjective feminine and singular (pequeña modifying him?)

Knowing what part of speech is crucial in a foreign language.


For question 38, the correct answer is d. ¿Cómo se llaman? To arrive at this answer, you need to understand that the question is asking for the names of the people mentioned. In the conversation, Ramon, Esteban, and Teodora are referred to. The phrase "¿Cómo se llaman?" means "What are their names?" or literally, "How do they call themselves?" So, the correct answer is d. ¿Cómo se llaman?

For question 39, the correct answer is a. sus. To determine the correct answer, you need to identify the possessive form needed to describe the eyes. The possessive pronoun "sus" is used to indicate possession by a third-person plural noun, in this case, "mis perro" (my dog). Therefore, the correct answer is a. sus.

For question 40, the correct answer is b. cien. To find the correct answer, you need to determine the appropriate word to describe the age of the friend of the grandmother. The word "cien" means "one hundred" in Spanish, so it doesn't fit the context. The correct word to use here is "viejos", which means "old". Therefore, the correct answer is c. viejos.

For question 41, the correct answer is a. somos muy buenas amigas. To find the correct answer, you need to identify the appropriate phrase to complete the conversation. The second person says "¿No somos buena amigas?" (Aren't we good friends?). To agree and complete the conversation, the first person should respond "Sí, somos muy buenas amigas" (Yes, we are very good friends). Therefore, the correct answer is a. somos muy buenas amigas.

For question 42, the correct answer is d. antipatico. To find the correct answer, you need to identify the opposite trait of having many friends. The phrase "No soy" indicates a negative sense, and the opposite of having many friends is being unfriendly. The word "antipático" means "unfriendly" in Spanish. Therefore, the correct answer is d. antipatico.

For question 43, the correct answer is a. inteligente. To find the correct answer, you need to identify the appropriate adjective to describe someone who speaks English and Spanish well. The phrase "habla muy bien el inglés y el español" (speaks English and Spanish well) suggests intelligence or proficiency in language skills. The word "inteligente" means "intelligent" in Spanish. Therefore, the correct answer is a. inteligente.

For question 44, the correct answer is b. todos. To arrive at this answer, you need to understand that the sentence mentions that nobody is going to the cinema. The response in the blank should state that everyone is going to study at my house. The word "todos" means "everyone" in Spanish. Therefore, the correct answer is b. todos.

For question 45, the correct answer is a. menor. To determine the correct answer, you need to determine the appropriate word to describe Martin in relation to you. The word "menor" means "younger" in Spanish. Therefore, the correct answer is a. menor.