Yesterday I wasn't able to post so I here I am posting it today for you to check.

What are the temporary and longterm effects of STI's?

-Pubic Lice and Scabies
-Hepatitis B

The temporary effects of STI’s are kissing, touching, oral sex, l sex, and sex. The long-term effects of STI’s are Chlamydia which is caused by bacteria. It can cause serious health problems such as change or an increase in discharge from your . It can also cause the to itch. Gonorrhoea is also caused by bacteria and can cause serious health issues. It can infect the , rectum, throat, eyes, and or cervix. The symptoms are the same as of Chlamydia, bleeding occurs in both scenarios. Trichomonas can cause an infection of the uterus and fallopian tubes which can lead to infertility. LGV can cause a painless or sore lump to appear where the bacteria have entered the body. Pubic lice and Scabies cause some parts of the body to itch; you can start seeing the pubic lice as tiny light brown insects or oval, whitish eggs on the hair. A rash may appear between your fingers, wrists, abdomen, and ankles due to scabies; this occurs mainly at night. For scabies, itching occurs mainly at night and a rash may appear between your fingers, on your wrists, abdomen, and ankles, on the bend of your elbows or around you genitals. Syphilis is a disease which can affect many body parts, including the genitals, brain, skin, and nervous tissue. HPV can cause to warts or lead to cancer. Herpes can cause painful sores around the mouth known as cold sores. They can also cause sores on the genitals. Hepatitis B can cause blood to be infected. HIV can destroy the immune system’s helper T cells, the loss of which can cause AIDS.

Certain words are filtered by Jiskha, for what I hope are obvious reasons on a homework message board used by all ages of people, including children.

This looks good.

I have answered the question right?

Ms.Sue have I got the temporary and long term effects right?

Yes, you hve. :-)

I'm sorry, but your response seems to contain some inaccurate information. Let me provide you with a proper explanation of the temporary and long-term effects of the STIs you mentioned.

STI stands for Sexually Transmitted Infection, and each type of STI can have different temporary and long-term effects on the body. Here is a breakdown of the effects of the STIs you listed:

1. Chlamydia: Chlamydia is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause infertility or chronic pelvic pain in women. In men, it can cause epididymitis, which is inflammation of the tube at the back of the testicles.

2. Gonorrhoea: Gonorrhoea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It can lead to similar complications as Chlamydia if left untreated, including PID in women and epididymitis in men. In some cases, it can also spread to other body parts like the joints and cause arthritis.

3. Trichomonas: Trichomonas lis is a parasite that causes trichomoniasis. In women, it can cause l itching, discharge, and discomfort. In men, it usually causes no symptoms, but they can still transmit the infection.

4. LGV (Lymphogranuloma venereum): LGV is a type of Chlamydia infection that can cause swelling and inflammation of lymph nodes in the groin. If left untreated, it can lead to complications such as rectal ulcers, abscesses, and narrowing of the rectum.

5. Pubic Lice and Scabies: Pubic lice, also known as crabs, and scabies are both caused by parasitic infestations. They can cause itching in the pubic area, but they are generally temporary and can be treated with proper medication.

6. Syphilis: Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. It progresses in stages and can have serious long-term effects if left untreated. In the early stage, it can cause painless sores or ulcers. If untreated, it can progress to the secondary stage with flu-like symptoms and a rash. In the late stage, it can affect various organs, including the heart, brain, nerves, and can be life-threatening.

7. HPV (Human Papillomavirus): HPV is a common viral infection that can cause genital warts or lead to various types of cancer, including cervical, , and oral cancers. Some strains of HPV can cause warts, while others are linked to cancer development.

8. Herpes: Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It can cause painful sores or blisters on the mouth (cold sores) or genital area. While there is no cure for herpes, antiviral medication can help manage the outbreaks and reduce transmission risk.

9. Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B is a viral infection that primarily affects the liver. It can cause both acute and chronic liver disease. Acute infection can result in flu-like symptoms, while chronic infection can lead to liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.

10. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus): HIV attacks the immune system, specifically the helper T cells. If left untreated, it can progress to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), which is a severe condition where the immune system is severely weakened, making the person vulnerable to various opportunistic infections and cancers.

It's important to note that the effects and complications of these STIs can vary for each individual, and early diagnosis, regular testing, and practicing safe sex are crucial in managing and preventing the spread of STIs. If you suspect you have an STI, it's important to seek medical advice and get tested.