1.Whenever the tide goes out, an island reappears in the canal.

tell if compound or complex




To determine whether a sentence is compound or complex, we need to analyze its structure and the relationship between its clauses.

A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses that are connected by coordinating conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or." Each independent clause within a compound sentence can stand alone as a complete sentence.

On the other hand, a complex sentence has one independent clause (a complete thought) and at least one dependent clause (an incomplete thought) that relies on the independent clause to form a complete sentence. In a complex sentence, the dependent clause is usually introduced by a subordinating conjunction like "although," "because," or "when."

In the given sentence, "Whenever the tide goes out, an island reappears in the canal," we have one independent clause, "an island reappears in the canal," and one dependent clause, "Whenever the tide goes out." The dependent clause relies on the independent clause to form a complete thought, indicating that the sentence is complex.

Therefore, the sentence "Whenever the tide goes out, an island reappears in the canal" is a complex sentence.