How did the Indian reeducation movement affect young Native americans?

The Indian reeducation movement, also known as the Indian boarding school movement, had a significant impact on young Native Americans. It sought to assimilate Native American children into mainstream American society by removing them from their families and tribes and placing them in boarding schools. Here's how you can further explore the effects of this movement on young Native Americans:

1. Research historical records and studies: Start by searching for books, articles, and academic papers that explore the Indian reeducation movement. Look for sources that discuss the experiences of young Native Americans during this period.

2. Study personal testimonies: Many Native Americans who attended these boarding schools have shared their stories and experiences. Look for memoirs, interviews, or documentaries that feature first-hand accounts of life in these schools. These personal testimonies offer valuable insights into the impact on young Native Americans.

3. Analyze educational policies and curriculum: Examine the educational policies and curriculum implemented in these boarding schools. Understanding what was taught and how it differed from Native American traditions and culture can help you understand the effect it had on the students.

4. Explore the cultural and social impacts: Consider the broader impacts of the Indian reeducation movement on the cultural and social fabric of Native American communities. Investigate how the separation from their families, loss of language, and disconnection from their traditions affected their identity and sense of belonging.

5. Consult Native American communities: Engaging with Native American communities and seeking their perspectives on the Indian reeducation movement can provide valuable insights. Attend tribal events, participate in discussions, or reach out to Native American organizations or experts for a deeper understanding.

Remember, while you can gather information and insights on the topic, it is crucial to approach it with respect and sensitivity.

These sites have a lot of information.