3x^2 * 4x * 2x^3= ?



To solve this multiplication problem, you need to understand the basics of multiplying variables with exponents.

In this case, we have:

3x^2 * 4x * 2x^3

To simplify this expression, you'll need to follow two rules:

1. When you multiply variables with exponents, you add the exponents.
2. When you multiply coefficients, you simply multiply them.

Let's break down each term and simplify the expression step by step:

Term 1: 3x^2
Term 2: 4x
Term 3: 2x^3

Now let's multiply the coefficients and simplify the exponents:

3 * 4 = 12 (coefficient multiplication)
x^2 * x * x^3 = x^(2+1+3) = x^6 (exponent addition)

Finally, we combine the simplified terms:

12 * x^6

Therefore, the simplified expression is 12x^6.