replacing with possessove nouns

ex the sister Miguel woke up him.
Miguel's sister woke up him

What is your question?

Nope. possessives are the following


Perhaps you are looking for: Miguel's sister woke him up. (check word order)


P.S. possessive is usually 's

To replace the phrase "the sister Miguel woke up him" with possessive nouns, follow these steps:

1. Identify the noun that needs to be replaced. In this case, it is "the sister."
2. Determine who the sister belongs to. Based on the context, it belongs to Miguel.
3. Add the possessive form of Miguel's name before the noun. Miguel's possessive form is "Miguel's."
4. Replace "the sister" with "Miguel's sister."
5. Adjust the verb accordingly to maintain grammatical correctness. In this case, the verb "woke up" remains the same.

Therefore, the revised sentence is: "Miguel's sister woke up him."