Poetry that is not artistic in form or meaning is didactic.


Poetry that is not artistic in form or meaning is not poetry.

so false?

Not necessarily. Do you know the meaning of "didactic?"

no i dont


To understand this statement, let's break it down:

1. Poetry: Poetry refers to a form of literary expression that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language to evoke emotions and convey meaning. It often employs various artistic techniques such as metaphors, imagery, and symbolism.

2. Artistic in form: When poetry is considered artistic in form, it means that the poet pays significant attention to the structure and organization of the poem. This includes aspects like rhyme, meter, line breaks, and stanza patterns. Artistic form adds complexity and depth to the poem.

3. Artistic in meaning: Poetry can also be considered artistic in meaning when it explores profound or abstract concepts, themes, or emotions. It goes beyond literal interpretation and encourages readers to reflect on deeper layers of understanding.

4. Didactic: Didactic poetry, on the other hand, focuses on teaching or instructing the reader. It aims to impart knowledge, moral lessons, or practical wisdom. Didactic poems are often straightforward and explicit in their intentions, providing clear guidance or advice.

Now, the statement suggests that if a poem lacks artistic qualities, both in its form and meaning, it becomes didactic. In other words, if a poem does not utilize poetic techniques or fails to evoke complex emotions or ideas, it tends to become didactic, serving a purely instructive purpose.

So, according to the statement, poetry that is not artistic in form or meaning is didactic because it primarily focuses on teaching or conveying a message rather than exploring artistic expression.