Rae runds a mile 20 times. Her average time is 5.2 mins. She wants to drop her slowest time 5.8 mins and find the ew average. Write and equation to find are her new average running time

Please check your figures. I think you have an error:

"drop her slowest time 5.8 mins"

Did you leave some words out?


If you mean that her slowest time is 5.8 minutes,

20 * 5.2 = 104
104 - 5.8 = 98.2
98.2 / 19 = 5.16824 = 5.2

To find Rae's new average running time, we first need to calculate the sum of her running times for the 20 miles. We can then subtract her slowest time and divide the sum by 19 (since we are now considering 19 runs) to find the new average.

Let's write the equation step-by-step:

Step 1: Calculate the sum of Rae's 20 running times:
Sum = 20 * 5.2 mins

Step 2: Subtract Rae's slowest time:
Sum - 5.8 mins

Step 3: Divide the new sum by 19 (since we are now considering 19 runs):
New Average = (Sum - 5.8 mins) / 19

Therefore, the equation to find Rae's new average running time after dropping her slowest time is:

New Average = (20 * 5.2 - 5.8) / 19