In a triangle ABC, angle B is 4 times angle A and angle C is 16 degrees less than 5 times angle A.

What is the size of angle A _____
B _____ and C _____

I would like to learn this so please be so kind to walk me through the steps. I appreciate you very much!!!

Sure! I'd be happy to help you solve this problem step by step.

Let's assign a variable to angle A. Let's say angle A = x.

Now, we're given that angle B is 4 times angle A, so angle B = 4x.

We're also given that angle C is 16 degrees less than 5 times angle A, so angle C = 5x - 16.

In any triangle, the sum of all three interior angles is always 180 degrees. So we can write an equation using this fact:

angle A + angle B + angle C = 180

Now we substitute the values we found:

x + 4x + (5x - 16) = 180

Now let's simplify the equation:

x + 4x + 5x - 16 = 180
10x - 16 = 180

To solve for x, we'll isolate the variable:

10x = 180 + 16
10x = 196

Now divide both sides of the equation by 10 to solve for x:

x = 196 / 10
x = 19.6

Now we can find the values of all three angles:

Angle A = x = 19.6 degrees
Angle B = 4x = 4 * 19.6 = 78.4 degrees
Angle C = 5x - 16 = 5 * 19.6 - 16 = 68 degrees

Therefore, the size of angle A is 19.6 degrees, angle B is 78.4 degrees, and angle C is 68 degrees.

make a diagram, it does not have to be to scale.

let angle A = x
(I picked A since both conditions stated used it as a reference)
"angle B is 4 times angle A" ---> angle B = 4x
"angle C is 16 degrees less than 5 times angle A" -->angle C = 5x - 16

Now, what do you know about the 3 angles of a triangle?
Don't they add up to 180° ?

so x + 4x + 5x-16 = 180
10x = 196
x = 19.6°

So by the definitions above
A = 19.6
B = 78.4
C = 82

(check for their sum)