Writing an opposing view essay and am a little stuck on thesis statement. This is what I have so far....

Have you ever taken into consideration that with one action, whether it be a mistake or purposely done, you could be sentenced to death? Many of us do not realize how serious and how harsh our legal system could be. Although the death penalty is not always the chosen sentence, it is still a possible sentence. The question is how effective is the death penalty? Is it even effective at all? How does this sound????

"Have you ever taken into consideration that with one action, whether it be a mistake or purposely done, you could be sentenced to death? Many of us do not realize how serious and how harsh our legal system could be. Although the death penalty is not always the chosen sentence, it is still a possible sentence."

Which ONE SENTENCE are you considering to be your thesis statement?

What is the most important key to an effective essay

Your thesis statement is a good start, but it could be refined further to clearly convey your stance and argument. Here's a suggestion for a revised thesis statement:

"While the death penalty is still a potential sentence in some legal systems, its effectiveness as a deterrent and its ethical implications raise concerns about its validity as a just punishment."

In this revised statement, you acknowledge the potential sentence of the death penalty while emphasizing your main arguments about its effectiveness as a deterrent and its ethical implications.

Remember, a thesis statement should clearly present the main point you aim to argue in your essay and provide a roadmap for your reader to follow along with your line of reasoning.