I still don't know about these and I realllyy need to finish this exam, so please help me!!

15. What effect did Supreme Court decisions on apportionment bring about?
a. People accused of a crime must be informed on their rights
b. Low-cost health insurance must be provided for the poor
c. Electoral districts had to be redrawn based on "one person, one vote."
d. Criminal suspects must be given legal aid free if they cannot afford it.

16. The aim that Congress has in passing the War Powers Act was to
a. give the President more power in using American forces overseas
b. forbid the President from ever sending American forces overseas
c. limit the President's emergency powers in sending troops overseas
d. order the President to bring American troops back from Iran

17. The movement for multiculturalism called for increased
a. attention to non-Europe cultures
b. numerical targets for hiring women and minorities
c. cuts in entitlement programs
d. pressure on Americans to retire at age 65.


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To answer these questions, you need to have an understanding of the topics mentioned. Here's how you can find the answers:

15. The effect Supreme Court decisions on apportionment brought about relates to how electoral districts are redrawn. To find the correct answer, you need to know what "apportionment" means in the context of the Supreme Court and its decisions. You can start by searching for "Supreme Court decisions on apportionment" to gain a better understanding of the topic. Look for information about how these decisions have impacted electoral districts, focusing on the concept of "one person, one vote."

16. The War Powers Act is an important topic related to the balance of power between Congress and the President in matters of war and military action. To understand the aim of Congress in passing the War Powers Act, you can search for "War Powers Act" and read about its purpose and provisions. Look for information about how it affects the President's powers in using American forces overseas, as well as how it relates to emergency powers and the deployment of troops.

17. The movement for multiculturalism involves promoting diversity and recognizing the value of different cultures. To determine what the movement calls for in terms of increased attention, you can search for "goals of multiculturalism movement" or "multiculturalism movement demands." Focus on finding information about what the movement advocates for in terms of non-European cultures and any related policies or actions.

Remember, it's important to read from reliable sources to ensure accuracy and credibility of the information you find. Good luck with your exam!