Regular price: $8.49

percent ot discount 5%

discount: amount of money you can save (amount that is deducted from the original price),,

discount = %discount * original price
first convert 5% to decimal,, just move 2 places to the left of decimal point:
5% = 0.05
discount = 0.05 * 8.49 = ?


i know the ans but im not gonna tell the ans we think that we just have to multiply but it is wrong hahahaha now stop looking! and think!!!!!!


To calculate the discounted price, follow these steps:

1. Convert the discount percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 5% can be written as 0.05.
2. Multiply the regular price by the decimal representation of the discount percentage.
Regular price: $8.49
Discount percentage: 0.05
Discount amount = $8.49 * 0.05 = $0.4245
3. Subtract the discount amount from the regular price to find the discounted price.
Discounted price = Regular price - Discount amount = $8.49 - $0.4245 = $8.0655
Rounded to two decimal places, the discounted price is $8.07.