a boy is pulling on a wagon with a force of 70 N directed at an angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal. What force is the wagon being pulled horizontally?

1. Soccer ball question (B. 2.08 kg)

2. Block slides question (D. 2.1 m/s^2)
3. A persons weight on earth question (C.23.16 m/s^2)
4. Inertia def. (B. The property of an object to keep moving...)
5. Basketball (don’t know)
6. Apple question (D. 2.66 N)
7. Newton’s 3rd law (D. Earth pushes back)
8. Newton’s 2nd law (D. Fnet=ma)
9. Amount of force (A. 311,850 N)
10. Ratio for boat (A. 3.44:1)
11. Elevator (B.41,335)
12. Truck hits car (D. 1:1)
13. Boy pulling wagon (A. X-60.60 N; Y- 35 N)
14. Briefcase (D. 48.985)
15. Difference (A. Contact required objects to touch, field works at distance)

since given angle is 30 deg to the horizontal, the horizontal force is just,

Fx = F*cos(theta)
Fx = 70*cos(30)
now simplify this.


X- 60.0 N

Y- 35 N

To find the horizontal component of the force being applied to the wagon, we need to determine the magnitude of the force when it is directed horizontally.

Force applied by the boy, F = 70 N
Angle between the force and the horizontal, θ = 30 degrees

We can use trigonometry to determine the horizontal component of the force. The horizontal component can be calculated using the formula:
Force_horizontal = Force × cos(θ)

Substituting the given values:
Force_horizontal = 70 N × cos(30 degrees)

Using a calculator or referring to a trigonometric table, we can find that the cosine of 30 degrees is approximately √3/2.

Force_horizontal ≈ 70 N × (√3/2)
Force_horizontal ≈ 70 N × 0.866
Force_horizontal ≈ 60.62 N

Therefore, the wagon is being pulled horizontally with a force of approximately 60.62 N.