How many atoms of carbon are found in 5.94 grams of acetic acid?

5.94 g acetic acid has how many moles.

moles = grams/molar mass = ?? moles.

There are 6.022E23 molecules acetic acid in 1 mole; therefore, there will be 6.022E23 x # moles = xx molecules in 5.94 g acetic acid.

The formula for acetic acid is HC2H3O2 so there are 2 C atoms in 1 molecule so the number of atoms C in 5.94 g acetic acid will be twice the number of molecules.

Oh, carbon atoms, they're like the life of the party! So, to find out how many carbon atoms are in 5.94 grams of acetic acid, we need to do a little math.

First, we need to know the molar mass of acetic acid, which is CH3COOH. The atomic mass of carbon (C) is 12.01 grams per mole.

So, let's calculate:

(5.94 grams) / (molar mass of acetic acid) * (number of carbon atoms in one mole)

Now, the molar mass of acetic acid is 60.05 grams per mole, and since there's only one carbon atom in acetic acid, you multiply by one.

Okay, doing the calculations...drumroll please...

The answer is approximately 0.991 moles of carbon atoms!

So, in 5.94 grams of acetic acid, you can find around 0.991 moles of carbon atoms. Who knew there was a carbon atom party going on in there?

To find the number of atoms of carbon in a given mass of acetic acid, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the molar mass of acetic acid (CH3COOH).
The molar mass of carbon (C) is approximately 12.01 g/mol.
The molar mass of hydrogen (H) is approximately 1.01 g/mol.
The molar mass of oxygen (O) is approximately 16.00 g/mol.

Using these values, we can calculate the molar mass of acetic acid as follows:
Molar mass of acetic acid = (2 × molar mass of carbon) + (4 × molar mass of hydrogen) + molar mass of oxygen
= (2 × 12.01) + (4 × 1.01) + 16.00
= 24.02 + 4.04 + 16.00
= 44.06 g/mol

Step 2: Use the molar mass to find the moles of acetic acid.
Moles of acetic acid = Mass (in grams) ÷ Molar mass
= 5.94 g ÷ 44.06 g/mol
≈ 0.135 mol

Step 3: Determine the number of moles of carbon in acetic acid.
Since acetic acid has one carbon atom, the number of moles of carbon is equal to the number of moles of acetic acid.

Number of moles of carbon = 0.135 mol

Step 4: Calculate the number of atoms of carbon.
To find the number of atoms of carbon, we need to multiply the number of moles of carbon by Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 × 10^23 atoms/mol.

Number of atoms of carbon = Number of moles of carbon × Avogadro's number
= 0.135 mol × 6.022 × 10^23 atoms/mol
≈ 8.12 × 10^22 atoms

Therefore, there are approximately 8.12 × 10^22 atoms of carbon in 5.94 grams of acetic acid.

To determine the number of atoms of carbon in 5.94 grams of acetic acid, we need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the molar mass of acetic acid (CH3COOH):
- Carbon (C) has a molar mass of 12.01 g/mol.
- Hydrogen (H) has a molar mass of 1.008 g/mol.
- Oxygen (O) has a molar mass of 16.00 g/mol.

The molar mass of acetic acid can be calculated as follows:
(2 × C) + (4 × H) + (2 × O) + C = (2 × 12.01) + (4 × 1.008) + (2 × 16.00) + 1.01 = 60.05 g/mol

2. Calculate the number of moles of acetic acid:
Moles = Mass ÷ Molar mass
Moles = 5.94 g ÷ 60.05 g/mol = 0.099 moles

3. Use the balanced chemical equation for acetic acid (CH3COOH):
C2H4O2 ⟶ 2C + 2H2O + O2

From the equation, we see that each molecule of acetic acid contains 2 carbon atoms.

4. Calculate the number of carbon atoms in 0.099 moles of acetic acid:
Number of carbon atoms = Moles × Avogadro's number
Number of carbon atoms = 0.099 moles × 6.02 × 10^23 atoms/mol = 5.95 × 10^22 atoms

Therefore, there are approximately 5.95 × 10^22 atoms of carbon in 5.94 grams of acetic acid.