What is the structure of N4O, where the 3 nitrogen bonds have different bond lengths and the N=O bond is a double bond. I just don't get it


This implies that the double and triple bond are adjacent to eachother, so that would give the N an expanded octet of 10 electrons, but I thought that only happened after P?

The structure of N4O, where the 3 nitrogen bonds have different bond lengths and the N=O bond is a double bond, can be explained step by step.

Step 1: Start by drawing the skeletal structure of N4O. Place the N (nitrogen) atoms in a line, with the N=O double bond at one end. The structure can be represented as N=N-N=N=O.

Step 2: Determine the bond lengths by considering the bonding pattern. In N4O, there are three nitrogen-nitrogen (N-N) single bonds and one nitrogen-oxygen (N=O) double bond. Generally, single bonds are longer than double bonds. Therefore, the N-N single bonds will be longer than the N=O double bond.

Step 3: Since the N-N bonds have different lengths, you can denote this by drawing the longer bond as a larger distance and the shorter bond as a smaller distance. The specific values for bond lengths will depend on the molecule and can be determined by experiment or calculations.

Step 4: Label the bond lengths accordingly. You can use arrows or numbers to indicate the bond lengths. For example, you can use an arrow pointing towards the longer bond to indicate the distance is larger, and a shorter arrow or number for the shorter bond.

By following these steps, you can depict the structure of N4O with different bond lengths for the N-N single bonds and a N=O double bond.

The structure of N4O, also known as tetraoxide of nitrogen, can be understood by examining the Lewis structure and considering the concept of formal charge. To determine the structure, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the total number of valence electrons.
For N4O, we have four nitrogen atoms (N) and one oxygen atom (O). Nitrogen has five valence electrons, and oxygen has six valence electrons. Thus, the total number of valence electrons is:
4(N) + 6(O) = 4(5) + 6(6) = 20 + 36 = 56 electrons.

Step 2: Determine the central atom.
In N4O, oxygen (O) is more electronegative compared to nitrogen (N). Therefore, oxygen will be the central atom, and the four nitrogen atoms will surround it.

Step 3: Draw the skeleton structure.
Place the oxygen atom in the center and connect the four nitrogen atoms to it, resulting in an O-N-N-N-N arrangement.

Step 4: Distribute the remaining electrons.
Place the remaining valence electrons around the atoms to fulfill the octet rule. Start by creating single bonds (two electrons) between the central oxygen atom and each surrounding nitrogen atom. This accounts for eight electrons (two from each bond).

After forming these bonds, there will be 56 - 8 = 48 remaining electrons.

Step 5: Assign lone pairs and multiple bonds.
Since the N=O bond is a double bond, we need to distribute the remaining electrons accordingly. You can start by placing a double bond between one of the nitrogen atoms and the central oxygen atom. This will use up four more electrons.

After placing the double bond, there will be 48 - 4 = 44 electrons remaining.

Since each nitrogen atom already has two electrons from the single bonds, we can distribute the remaining electrons as lone pairs on each nitrogen atom. Each nitrogen atom needs two lone pairs to complete its octet, which requires 8 electrons in total.

Finally, distribute the remaining electrons as lone pairs on the oxygen atom so that it also satisfies the octet rule.

Step 6: Check formal charges.
Formal charges help us determine the most stable arrangement of the atoms. To calculate the formal charge for each atom, use the formula:
Formal charge = Valence electrons - Lone pair electrons - 1/2(Bonding electrons)

Ensure that the formal charges on each atom are minimized and as close to zero as possible. Adjust the placement of electrons between multiple bonds and lone pairs to achieve this.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the structure of N4O, where the nitrogen bonds have different bond lengths, and the N=O bond is a double bond.