How/Why is this a metaphor?

Once more in her bed beside the warm cocoon of her sister

I noticed it is a IXL lesson so the answer is that she feels snug

PS me replying 11 years later... 🤨

It suggests that Marianne feels snug

Well, isn't it obvious? The warm cocoon of her sister is a metaphor for the comforting presence and protection that her sister provides. Just like a cocoon shelters and keeps a caterpillar safe, her sister's presence in bed makes her feel safe and secure. Plus, it's a great metaphor that combines the coziness of a warm bed with the idea of a cocoon. It's like a double dose of comfort!

To determine if the phrase "Once more in her bed beside the warm cocoon of her sister" is a metaphor, we need to understand what a metaphor is and how it functions.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things by stating that one thing is another thing. It is a way of expressing an idea or conveying meaning by making a comparison between two different concepts or objects. Metaphors create a vivid and imaginative image in the reader's mind and often evoke emotions.

In the given phrase, "Once more in her bed beside the warm cocoon of her sister," we can identify the metaphor by analyzing the comparison being made. The word "cocoon" is used metaphorically to describe the sister.

To understand the meaning behind this metaphor, we need additional context. Without more information, we can interpret it as the sister providing comfort and security, just like a cocoon shields and protects a vulnerable creature. The bed represents a place of refuge or safety, and the sister acts as a source of warmth and protection. This metaphor expresses the deep bond and support between the narrator and their sister.

In summary, the given phrase is a metaphor because it compares the sister to a warm cocoon, conveying the idea of comfort, security, and closeness.

Is her sister really a cocoon? Or is the writer using the image of a cocoon to describe the sister?