An educational visual representation of a mathematical operation taking place: a depiction of long division. The divisor is 3, and the dividend is 58. The division process is started but not completed, clearly showcasing the division 'house' structure with 58 under the line and 3 on the outside, up to the point of putting the first digit of the answer over the division bar. Include the elements of mathematics but no text.

Estimate each quotient. Write the fact you use?

58 divided by 3


I'd be tempted, though, to use this reasoning.

600/6 = 100
700 / 6 = a little over 100

thank u very much

You're very welcome.

estimating quotients 811 divided by 2

To estimate the quotient of 58 divided by 3, we can use a rounding method.

First, round 58 to the nearest ten, which would be 60. Then, round 3 to the nearest ten, which is also 0.

Now, divide 60 by 0. The quotient is undefined since we cannot divide by zero.

Therefore, the estimated quotient is undefined.

The fact used in this estimation is that when rounding a number to the nearest ten, if the digit to the right is 5 or greater, we round up, and if it is less than 5, we round down.

I'd round 58 to 60.

60/3 = ?

676 divided by 6

is 700/6 am i right this one.