how can unauthorized persons cause serious problems in a company’s database system?

You mean hackers?

Read widely and take good notes. Let us know what YOU THINK.

thanks alot....that's the one I was trying to remember.

You're very welcome!

Unauthorized persons can cause serious problems in a company's database system by exploiting vulnerabilities or gaining unauthorized access. Here are some ways they can do this:

1. Access Control Breaches: Unauthorized individuals can exploit weaknesses in access control mechanisms, such as weak passwords or unpatched security vulnerabilities, to gain unauthorized access to the database system.

To mitigate this risk, companies should enforce strong password policies, regularly update and patch software, implement two-factor authentication, and restrict access based on user roles and privileges.

2. Injection Attacks: Attackers can input malicious code into input fields or database queries to execute unauthorized actions or retrieve sensitive data. SQL injection is a common example where attackers exploit vulnerabilities in poorly written application code to manipulate the database system.

To prevent injection attacks, companies should implement input validation and parameterized queries to ensure that user input is properly sanitized and validated before being executed in the database system.

3. Malware or Ransomware Attacks: Unauthorized persons can introduce malicious software into the database system, which can disrupt operations, steal or encrypt data, or hold the company ransom for access to the data.

To protect against malware or ransomware attacks, companies should regularly update and patch systems, use reputable antivirus software, practice safe browsing habits, and conduct frequent backups of the database.

4. Social Engineering: Attackers can manipulate employees through social engineering techniques to gain unauthorized access to the database system. This can involve tricking employees into revealing access credentials or granting access to sensitive information.

To counter social engineering attacks, companies should educate employees about the risks associated with sharing sensitive information, implement strict policies for verifying identities and access requests, and encourage a culture of security awareness.

5. Insider Threats: Employees or contractors with authorized access to the database system can intentionally or unintentionally cause serious problems. This can involve unauthorized data access, data leaks, or unauthorized changes to the system.

To mitigate insider threats, companies should enforce strong access controls, monitor user activities, implement segregation of duties, conduct periodic security audits, and maintain clear security policies and guidelines that employees must follow.

It is crucial for companies to establish a comprehensive and layered security approach to protect their database systems from unauthorized persons and minimize potential risks.