4. No es trabajadora. Es _____.

a. atrevida
b. desordenada
c. perezosa
d. impaciente

9. No me gusta _____ nadar ____ dibujar.
a. sí/sí
b. sí/ni
c. ni/ni
d. ni/tampoco
I'm going with C now?

10. No soy ni generosa
a. o tacaño
b. ni tacaña
c. ni atrevido
d. o deportista
Not sure between A and B...

11. -"Me gusta tocar la guitarria." --"A mí ____"
a. tambien
b. tampoco
c. nada
d. de veras

15. A mí me gusta nadar. ¿ Y a ____?
a. ti
b. tu
c. tú
d. mi

Gracias! ;D

10.First, pay attention to your adjective: generosa. second adjective also needs to be feminine. Also, you have a negative sentence structure: No... ni...ni...

11. Sí. you are agreeing with a positive sentence. A mí tampoco is agreement with a negative sentence.

15. something is pleasing TO YOU, not you.

10. b

11. a
15. a prepositional "ti"

Anonymous has given you the reasons for each .


4. To determine the missing word, you need to understand the meaning of the sentence first. The sentence states "She is not hardworking." The options you have are:

a. atrevida - bold or daring
b. desordenada - messy or disorganized
c. perezosa - lazy
d. impaciente - impatient

Based on the sentence, the correct answer is "c. perezosa" because it means lazy, which is the opposite of hardworking.

9. In this sentence, you need to fill in the blank with the appropriate words. The sentence states "I don't like to swim or draw." The options you have are:

a. sí/sí - yes/yes
b. sí/ni - yes/no
c. ni/ni - neither/nor
d. ni/tampoco - neither/nor

Based on the sentence, the correct answer is "c. ni/ni" because it means neither swim nor draw.

10. For this question, you need to determine the correct word that completes the sentence. The sentence states "I am neither generous." The options you have are:

a. o tacaño - or stingy
b. ni tacaña - nor stingy
c. ni atrevido - nor daring
d. o deportista - or sporty

Based on the sentence, the correct answer is "b. ni tacaña" because it means nor stingy.

11. To answer this question, you need to choose the appropriate response to the statement. The statement says "I like playing the guitar." The options you have are:

a. tambien - also
b. tampoco - neither
c. nada - nothing
d. de veras - really

Based on the statement, the correct answer is "b. tampoco" because it means neither, indicating that the person being asked does not like playing the guitar either.

15. Lastly, for this question, you need to determine the correct pronoun to fill in the blank. The sentence says "I like swimming. And you?" The options you have are:

a. ti - you (informal object form)
b. tu - your (informal possessive form)
c. tú - you (informal subject form)
d. mi - my (informal possessive form)

Based on the sentence, the correct answer is "c. tú" because it means you (informal subject form).