"the summer people" by Shirley Jackson

How does the use of dialect separate the allisons from the townspeople?


Read through a page or two when the Allisons are speaking to each other. Then read pages or sections when they are talking to townspeople. Read these sections ALOUD, not silently to yourself. You should easily be able to hear the differences.

Let us know what you discover.

To understand how the use of dialect separates the Allisons from the townspeople in Shirley Jackson's "The Summer People," we can analyze the text and the specific instances of dialect used. Here's how you can approach this question:

1. Read the text: Start by reading the story, paying particular attention to the dialogue between the Allisons and the townspeople. Look for instances where dialect is used and note any differences in speech patterns or vocabulary.

2. Identify dialect usage: As you read, identify the specific instances where the characters, either the Allisons or the townspeople, use dialect. Note any distinct speech patterns, pronunciation variations, or unique vocabulary that differentiate the two groups.

3. Analyze the impact on character representation: Consider how the use of dialect shapes the portrayal of the Allisons and the townspeople. Does one group use more dialect than the other? Does the dialect highlight differences in social class, education, or regional origin? Look for patterns and repetitions in the dialect usage to draw conclusions.

4. Examine the effect on communication: Evaluate how the use of dialect affects communication between the Allisons and the townspeople. Does the dialect create a sense of alienation or misunderstanding? Does it reinforce a barrier between the two groups? Analyze how the characters perceive and respond to the dialect used by the opposing group.

5. Consider the thematic implications: Reflect on the larger themes and messages of the story. How does the separation created by dialect contribute to the overall themes of isolation, exclusion, or otherness? Think about the author's intent and how the use of dialect helps convey those themes.

By following these steps, you should be able to analyze how the use of dialect separates the Allisons from the townspeople in "The Summer People" by Shirley Jackson. Remember to support your analysis with specific examples from the text to strengthen your argument.