In "The summer people" by Shirley Jackson.

What is the stories point of view? For which Character(s) does the narrator give us insights into the mind? Give an example of this.

To determine the point of view and the characters' insights in "The Summer People" by Shirley Jackson, we need to analyze the story. Here's an explanation of how to identify the point of view and the characters the narrator focuses on:

1. Read the story: Start by reading or reviewing the short story "The Summer People" by Shirley Jackson. Pay close attention to the narration and the thoughts and perspectives expressed by different characters.

2. Identify the point of view: The point of view refers to who is narrating the story and from what perspective. Analyze the story to determine whether it is written in first person, where the narrator uses "I" to tell the story, or in third person, where the narrator uses "he," "she," or "they."

3. Locate insights into characters' minds: Look for instances where the narrator provides insights into the thoughts, feelings, and motives of the characters. These insights can help you identify the characters the narrative focuses on.

4. Look for examples: Once you have identified the point of view and the characters the narrator provides insights into, find specific examples or passages that demonstrate this. These examples should showcase the narrator's exploration of the character's mind.

Remember, the insights into characters' minds can include the narrator's descriptions of their thoughts, emotions, perceptions, or even their past experiences. These insights help the reader gain a deeper understanding of the characters' motivations and perspectives.

Unfortunately, as an AI text-based model, I don't have access to specific texts like "The Summer People" by Shirley Jackson. However, by following the steps outlined above, you should be able to determine the point of view in the story and locate examples of the narrator providing insights into the characters' minds.