MNPQ is a rhombus. The measure of angle MRQ is (13t-1) degrees, and the measure of angle PQR is (7t+4) degrees. what is the measure of angle PQM?


Since MNPQ is a rhombus, opposite angles are equal. That means:

Angle MRQ = Angle PQR.


Angle MRQ = 13t - 1 degrees,
Angle PQR = 7t + 4 degrees.

Therefore, setting the two angles equal to each other:

13t - 1 = 7t + 4.

Simplifying the equation:

13t - 7t = 4 + 1,

6t = 5,

t = 5/6.

Now we can find the measure of angle PQR using the value of t:

Angle PQR = 7t + 4 = 7(5/6) + 4 = 35/6 + 24/6 = 59/6 degrees.

Since opposite angles of a rhombus are equal, the measure of angle PQM is also equal to the measure of angle PQR:

Angle PQM = Angle PQR = 59/6 degrees.

To find the measure of angle PQM in the rhombus MNPQ, we can use the fact that opposite angles in a rhombus are equal.

Since MNPQ is a rhombus, we know that angle MRQ is equal to angle PQM. Therefore, we need to find the value of angle MRQ.

Given that the measure of angle MRQ is (13t-1) degrees, we can set it equal to the measure of angle PQR, which is (7t+4) degrees:

13t - 1 = 7t + 4

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of t:

13t - 7t = 4 + 1
6t = 5
t = 5/6

Now that we have found the value of t, we can substitute it back into the expression for angle MRQ:

MRQ = 13t - 1 = 13(5/6) - 1 = 10.833 degrees

Since MRQ = PQM, the measure of angle PQM is also 10.833 degrees.