
Can somebody tell me if this is correct?

The question is, find lines that Shakespeare enjoy by commenting on the play itself.

(to FIRST PLAYER) 'Tis well. I’ll have thee speak out the rest soon. (to POLONIUS) Good my lord, will you see the players well bestowed? Do you hear, let them be well used, for they are the abstract and brief chronicles of the time. After your death you were better have a bad epitaph than their ill report while you live. (Act 2 Scene 2 line 485)

Is this one of them that talks about the actors?

Definitely! Good choice.

Thank you! I can't seem to find any other ones...

Yes, the line you provided from Hamlet does mention actors and the importance of taking care of them. In this passage, Hamlet is speaking to Polonius about the players who have arrived to perform a play within the play. He asks Polonius to ensure that the actors are treated well because they serve as a representation of the time they live in, "the abstract and brief chronicles of the time." Hamlet also mentions that it is better to have a bad epitaph after death than to have a negative reputation while still alive.

To find lines that Shakespeare may have enjoyed or found interesting, it is helpful to analyze the text itself. In this case, you can start by identifying passages that involve themes or elements that Shakespeare commonly explored in his plays. Shakespeare often portrayed complex characters, explored human nature, and delved into various emotions and conflicts. By focusing on these aspects, you can pinpoint lines that could have resonated with Shakespeare or provided deep insights into his characters and their motivations.

Additionally, studying Shakespeare's own writings and interviews can offer clues about his personal preferences and beliefs. His sonnets, plays, and other works often reveal his admiration for certain themes or ideas. Furthermore, reading critical analyses and interpretations of Shakespeare's works by scholars can provide further insights into his favorite lines and their significance.

Ultimately, the identification of lines that Shakespeare may have enjoyed is subjective and speculative since we cannot know for certain his personal thoughts and opinions. However, by examining the text and considering Shakespeare's overall style, themes, and interests, you can make informed interpretations about lines that he may have found particularly compelling.