A 0.18 kg point mass moving on a frictionless horizontal surface is attached to a rubber band whose other end is fixed at point P. The rubber band exerts a force F = bx toward P, where x is the length of the rubber band and b is an unknown constant. The mass moves along the dotted line. When it passes point A, its velocity is 4.4 m/s directed as shown. The distance AP is 0.6 m and BP is 1.0 m.

A)Find the speed of the mass at points B and C.
B)Find b.

To solve this problem, we will use the conservation of mechanical energy and the equations of motion.

Let's start by calculating the potential energy at points A, B, and C. The potential energy due to the rubber band at any point is given by the formula:

PE = (1/2)kx^2

where k is a constant and x is the length of the rubber band.

At point A, the rubber band is at its natural (unstretched) length, so there is no potential energy.

At point B, the length of the rubber band is 1.0 m. The potential energy at point B is:

PE_B = (1/2)k(1.0)^2 = (1/2)k J

Similarly, at point C, the length of the rubber band is 1.6 m (0.6 m from A to P plus 1.0 m from P to B). The potential energy at point C is:

PE_C = (1/2)k(1.6)^2 = (0.8)^2k J = 0.64k J

Now, let's apply the conservation of mechanical energy. The total mechanical energy (KE + PE) of the point mass is conserved throughout its motion. At point A, the mass has only kinetic energy, and at points B and C, it has both kinetic and potential energy.

The initial kinetic energy at point A is:

KE_A = (1/2)mv^2 = (1/2)(0.18 kg)(4.4 m/s)^2 = 1.7064 J

Since mechanical energy is conserved, the sum of the kinetic and potential energies at point A must be equal to the sum of the kinetic and potential energies at points B and C:

KE_A = KE_B + PE_B

1.7064 J = KE_B + (1/2)k J

KE_B = 1.7064 J - (1/2)k J

Similarly, at point C:

KE_A = KE_C + PE_C

1.7064 J = KE_C + 0.64k J

KE_C = 1.7064 J - 0.64k J

Now, to find the speed of the mass at points B and C, we need to calculate their kinetic energies. The kinetic energy can be given by the formula:

KE = (1/2)mv^2

At point B, since the potential energy of the rubber band is 0, the kinetic energy is:

KE_B = (1/2)(0.18 kg)(v_B)^2 = 1.7064 J - (1/2)k J

Solving for v_B, we get:

(0.18 kg)(v_B)^2 = 2(1.7064 J - (1/2)k J)

(v_B)^2 = (2(1.7064 J - (1/2)k J))/(0.18 kg)

(v_B)^2 = (3.4128 J - k J)/(0.18 kg)

v_B = √((3.4128 J - k J)/(0.18 kg))

Similarly, at point C, the kinetic energy is:

KE_C = (1/2)(0.18 kg)(v_C)^2 = 1.7064 J - 0.64k J

Solving for v_C, we get:

(0.18 kg)(v_C)^2 = 2(1.7064 J - 0.64k J)

(v_C)^2 = (2(1.7064 J - 0.64k J))/(0.18 kg)

v_C = √((3.4128 J - 1.28k J)/(0.18 kg))

To find b, we need to use the force equation F = bx. At point A, the force exerted by the rubber band is zero since it's at its natural length. At point C, the length of the rubber band is 1.6 m, so the force is:

F_C = b(1.6 m)

Finally, we can find the value of b by using Newton's second law, F = ma, at point C:

F_C = (0.18 kg)(v_C^2)/(1.6 m)

b(1.6 m) = (0.18 kg)(v_C^2)/(1.6 m)

b = (0.18 kg)(v_C^2)/(1.6 m^2)

Now, you can substitute the values of v_C and solve for b.