what is the cost(most expensive,expensive or less costly)performance(powerful, most powerful or average)reliability(highly reliable or less reliable) size(large, medium or small)and installed in numbers(few, many or large) of super compters, mainframe computers, personal computers and PDA'S?


Read widely. Read lots. Take good notes.

Then ...

1. Go to http://www.google.com

2. Type in consumer reports "personal computers" (or whatever search terms you need).

3. Read different search results until you find what you need.

4. Re-search with different search terms if you don't find all you need.

Wow. Whatever teacher gave this assignment is not nice.

Nope ... unless, of course, the teacher wants each student to write a book or something!

To determine the cost, performance, reliability, size, and number of installations for different types of computers, we can refer to market research reports and industry trends.

1. Supercomputers:
Supercomputers are known for their massive processing power and are generally used for specialized scientific and engineering applications. They are the most expensive and most powerful category of computers. Supercomputers are also highly reliable. These machines are typically large in size and are produced in limited quantities due to their specialized nature.

2. Mainframe Computers:
Mainframe computers are designed to handle large-scale processing and data storage for organizations. They are expensive but not as costly as supercomputers. Mainframes are known for their high reliability, as they are built with redundant components and advanced fault-tolerant mechanisms. They are generally large in size and are used in larger numbers to meet the computational needs of enterprises.

3. Personal Computers (PCs):
Personal computers are the most common type of computers used by individuals and businesses. They come in various configurations and price ranges. PC prices can range from affordable to expensive, depending on the specifications and components chosen. Performance can vary from average to powerful, depending on the specific hardware configuration. Reliability can be relatively high, especially in high-end models, but it can vary depending on the manufacturer and the components used. PC sizes can range from small form factors like mini PCs to larger tower cases. PCs are sold in large numbers worldwide due to their widespread use.

4. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs):
PDAs, also known as handheld devices, have been largely replaced by smartphones and tablets. However, they were popular in the early 2000s. PDAs were smaller in size, relatively less costly, and had average performance. Their reliability varied depending on the manufacturer, but they were generally considered less reliable compared to PCs or mainframes. PDAs were produced and sold in large numbers to cater to consumer demands.

Please note that these categorizations may change over time as technology advances and new types of computers are introduced. It's always a good idea to consult up-to-date market research and industry reports for the most accurate information regarding cost, performance, reliability, size, and installation numbers of different computer types.