why do the anti federalist demand the bill of rights?

The Constitution laid out the rules and groundwork for the government.

The Bill of Rights laid out the rights of individual citizens.

why and how religious freedom was guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, and why it has been difficult to achieve that ideal ?

The Anti-Federalists demanded the inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution for several reasons. To understand their demand, we need to go back to the period when the Constitution was being drafted and ratified.

1. Protection of Individual Liberties: Many Anti-Federalists were concerned that without a Bill of Rights, the newly proposed Constitution did not explicitly safeguard individual liberties. They feared that the federal government might become too powerful and infringe upon the rights of citizens. They argued that a Bill of Rights would place limitations on government authority, ensuring the protection of individual freedoms such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms.

2. Lessons from History: The Anti-Federalists drew lessons from history, particularly from their experiences with British rule and the abuses of power they witnessed. They recognized that a centralized authority could potentially become tyrannical if not constrained by clear limits and protections for citizens. They believed that a Bill of Rights would serve as a safeguard against government overreach and protect the people from potential abuses.

3. Compromise for Ratification: The demand for a Bill of Rights was also a crucial compromise in the ratification process. The Anti-Federalists, who were initially skeptical of the Constitution, saw the inclusion of a Bill of Rights as a way to ensure that individual states' rights and citizen protections were not overshadowed by a strong central government. By supporting the addition of a Bill of Rights, it provided a pathway for them to support the Constitution, leading to its eventual ratification.

To find more detailed information about the Anti-Federalists' reasons for demanding the Bill of Rights, you can explore primary sources from that time such as the Federalist Papers, Anti-Federalist Papers, and historical documents from the constitutional convention debates and state ratification conventions. Additionally, books and scholarly articles on the topic will provide further insights.