1. George W. Bush has called for an expansion in the role of __ in administering federal social programs

a. colleges and universities
b. big business
c. state gov't
d. federal bureaucrats
e. religious organizations

2. Polling data suggest Americans __ the administration of social services by faith- based organizations
a. know little or nothing
b. have no distinct opinions regarding
c. are somewhat opposed to
d. are slightly in favor of
e. are strongly supportive of

3. Which of the following opinions for rescuing social security is especially popular with younger voters?
a. retirement age be raised to 85
retirement benefits be increased.
c. social security taxes be lowered
d. the program be privatized
e. citizens be allowed to invest some portion of social security taxes in mutual funds

4. In Zelman v. Simmons- harris, the supreme court ruled school voucher programs are constitutional so long as
a. there is true private choice
b. school officials are supportive of applicants
c. students are not segregated on the basis of gender
d. teachers are educated in secular colleges and universities
e. textbooks are purchased by private/ individual funds

What are your answers?

We'll be glad to check them for you.

1. e

2. a
4. c

I agree with your first three answers. Are you sure # 4 isn't A?


Oh ok. Thanks!

You're welcome.

1. To determine which option George W. Bush calls for an expansion in the role of in administering federal social programs, you can conduct a search on the internet using keywords such as "George W. Bush expansion federal social programs role." This should provide you with reliable sources and information to make an informed decision. You can also look for official statements or speeches made by George W. Bush regarding social programs to find direct evidence of his position.

2. To find out what polling data suggests about Americans' opinions on the administration of social services by faith-based organizations, you can search for reputable polling organizations that have conducted surveys on this topic. Look for sources such as Pew Research Center, Gallup, or reputable news outlets that report on public opinion polls. Use relevant keywords like "polling data Americans opinions faith-based organizations social services" to get specific results. Analyze the data and examine the percentages or statistics to determine which option reflects the most accurate representation of Americans' views.

3. To find out which of the opinions for rescuing Social Security is especially popular with younger voters, you can search for surveys or studies that have been conducted on the topic. Look for reputable sources such as think tanks, academic institutions, or polling organizations that focus on public opinion. Use keywords like "opinions for rescuing Social Security younger voters popular" in your search. Look for data that specifically highlights the preferences or attitudes of younger voters towards Social Security reform.

4. To understand the Supreme Court's ruling in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris regarding school voucher programs, you can access legal resources or visit reputable websites that provide summaries or analyses of Supreme Court cases. Search for sources that specifically discuss this case and its implications to gain the necessary context. Use keywords like "Zelman v. Simmons-Harris Supreme Court ruling school voucher programs constitutional" to find relevant information. Look for explanations that highlight the key factors considered by the Supreme Court in making their decision.