when the square root of a # is -2

when would the answer be 2i or just square root of -2.

Because when I sometimes do problems, sometimes I have to change it to #i and sometimes I have to just leave it.

Would anyone know which one I use for different problems.

(also it doesn't say leave it or change to i)

When you encounter the square root of a negative number, such as -2, it is important to understand that there are actually two possible solutions: 2i and -2i. This is because the square root of a negative number is not a real number, but an imaginary number.

In general, when dealing with complex numbers (numbers that involve both a real and an imaginary component), there are different conventions for expressing the answers.

If you are working with complex numbers in algebraic form, you typically write the imaginary unit as "i." So, when you encounter the square root of -2 in an algebraic expression, you would usually express it as 2i or -2i.

However, if you are working within a specific mathematical context, such as complex analysis or engineering, you might encounter different notations. For example, in engineering, the imaginary unit is often denoted as "j" instead of "i."

To determine which form to use in different problems, it is important to follow the conventions and instructions given within the context of the problem. If there are no specific instructions given, expressing the square root of -2 as 2i or -2i in algebraic form is generally acceptable.

It is always a good idea to clarify with your teacher or refer to the specific guidelines or conventions in your textbook or course material to ensure you are using the appropriate notation for your particular problem.