How many Earth Diameters would it take to reach the Sun 93,000,000 miles away?

To calculate the number of Earth diameters it would take to reach the Sun, we need to find the distance between the Earth and the Sun in terms of Earth diameters.

Step 1: Find the diameter of the Earth.
The diameter of the Earth is approximately 7,917.5 miles.

Step 2: Calculate the distance between the Earth and the Sun in terms of Earth diameters.
The distance between the Earth and the Sun is given as 93,000,000 miles.

Number of Earth diameters = Distance to the Sun / Diameter of the Earth

Number of Earth diameters = 93,000,000 miles / 7,917.5 miles

Number of Earth diameters ≈ 11,725 Earth diameters (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, it would take approximately 11,725 Earth diameters lined up to reach the Sun, which is 93,000,000 miles away.