Animals use the energy found in food to produce _____ and _____.

Animals use the energy found in food to produce two main things: ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and heat.

When animals consume food, it goes through a series of digestive processes that break down complex molecules into simpler forms such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These molecules are then further broken down during cellular respiration.

During cellular respiration, the energy stored in the bonds of those simpler molecules is released in the form of ATP. ATP is the primary energy currency of cells and is used for various cellular processes, including muscle contraction, protein synthesis, and active transport across cell membranes.

In addition to ATP production, animals also generate heat as a byproduct of metabolism. Heat is produced when the body converts chemical energy from food into thermal energy. This heat helps regulate body temperature and is especially important for warm-blooded animals to maintain their internal body temperature within a narrow range.

In summary, animals use the energy obtained from food to produce ATP, which fuels cellular processes, and they also generate heat as a byproduct of metabolism.