how to solve the square root of 15.59

Key 15.59 on your calculator. Then press the square root sign. What do you get?

To solve the square root of 15.59, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by recognizing that the square root (√) of a number is the value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number.
2. In this case, we want to find the square root of 15.59.
3. Begin by estimating the square root. Since 15.59 is close to 16 (which is a perfect square), we can estimate that the square root of 15.59 is likely to be slightly less than 4.
4. Next, refine your estimate by using a calculator or a more accurate method.
5. One way to find the square root is to use a scientific calculator. Simply enter the number (15.59) and press the square root (√) button. The calculator will give you the precise value.
6. If you don't have a calculator, you can use an iterative approximation method called the Babylonian method. Start with an initial guess (such as 4) and refine it through a few iterations until you reach a satisfactory level of accuracy.
- Let's assume that our initial guess is 4.
- Divide 15.59 by the initial guess: 15.59 / 4 = 3.8975.
- Take the average of the initial guess and the result obtained in the previous step: (4 + 3.8975) / 2 = 3.94875.
- Repeat the previous step using the new average as the guess: 15.59 / 3.94875 = 3.9446.
- Take the average of the previous estimate and this result: (3.9446 + 3.94875) / 2 = 3.94668.
- Repeat this process until you reach the desired level of accuracy.
7. By using one of these methods, you will find that the square root of 15.59 is approximately 3.9467.