exponential growth is stopped when equals

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To determine when exponential growth is stopped, we need to understand the concept of exponential growth first. Exponential growth refers to a pattern of growth in which the quantity of something increases rapidly over time.

In mathematical terms, exponential growth is often represented by an equation of the form:

N = N₀ * e^(rt)

- N is the final quantity
- N₀ is the initial quantity
- e represents the mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828
- r is the growth rate (expressed as a decimal)
- t is the time period over which growth occurs

Now, to answer your question, exponential growth theoretically never stops. It continues indefinitely unless there are external factors that limit the growth. However, in practical terms, exponential growth may slow down or approach a limit as it becomes increasingly difficult to sustain the same rate of growth over time.

This limit is often influenced by various factors such as resource constraints, competition, market saturation, or any other limiting factors specific to the scenario being considered. Once these factors come into play, the growth rate may start to decline, and the exponential growth curve may flatten or reach a plateau.

So, to determine when exponential growth is stopped, you need to analyze the specific context and identify any limiting factors that might impede further growth.