An adult crocodile weighs up to 2200 lbs. If a young crocodile weighs 157 lbs, how many pounds might it be expected to gain in it's lifetime?

How do you write a word sentence that describes the inequality situation?


Thanks Jen!

To find out how many pounds a young crocodile might be expected to gain in its lifetime, we can subtract its current weight from the weight of an adult crocodile.

The weight of an adult crocodile is given as 2200 lbs, and the weight of a young crocodile is given as 157 lbs. So, to find the expected weight gain, we can subtract 157 from 2200.

Expected weight gain = 2200 - 157 = 2043 lbs.

Now, to write a word sentence that describes the inequality situation, we can say:
"The weight gain of the young crocodile is less than or equal to 2043 pounds."