at time t=0 the driver starts to brae

determine how long the bus takes to stop

To determine how long the bus takes to stop, we need additional information such as the rate at which the bus decelerates. Once we have that information, we can use the equation of motion to solve for the time it takes for the bus to stop.

The equation of motion for uniform deceleration is given by:
v^2 = u^2 - 2as

v is the final velocity (0 m/s in this case, as the bus comes to a stop)
u is the initial velocity (unknown)
a is the deceleration (unknown)
s is the distance traveled (unknown)

Since we know that the initial velocity is not given, we can assume it is a positive value to represent the motion of the bus before it starts braking. Similarly, the deceleration will be a negative value to signify it is slowing down.

Let's say the initial velocity is u m/s and the deceleration is -a m/s^2. The distance the bus can travel before coming to a stop can be determined by the equation s = ut + (1/2)at^2.

Since the final velocity is 0 and the bus stops at time t when t = unknown, we can write the equation as follows:
0 = ut - (1/2)at^2

To find the time it takes for the bus to stop, we need to solve this quadratic equation. After factoring out the common terms, we get:
t(2u - at) = 0

This equation has two solutions, either t = 0 (the starting time) or t = 2u/a.

So, the bus takes either 0 seconds (which means it stops immediately, but this is unlikely unless there was a technical issue) or it takes 2u/a seconds to stop.

Please note that without the specific values of u (initial velocity) and a (deceleration), we cannot provide an exact time for the bus to stop.