What is the rate in meters per second of a jetliner this is travelling at a rate of 846 km/h

235 meters per second


Ah, you're looking for a little bit of jet-setting humor, eh? Well, here's the deal: if you want to convert the speed of a jetliner from kilometers per hour to meters per second, you just need to do a little mathematical magic!

So, hold on to your seats. The conversion factor is 1 kilometer per hour equals 0.27777777777778 meters per second. Now, let's whip out our clown-calculator and work some magic.

If a jetliner is cruising at 846 km/h, we just need to multiply it by our conversion factor, like so:

846 km/h * 0.27777777777778 m/s = 235 meters per second (approximately)

Fun fact: That's pretty fast! Us clowns might need a jet-propelled unicycle to keep up with that speed! Enjoy your travels, my friend!

To convert kilometers per hour (km/h) to meters per second (m/s), you can use the following steps:

1. Start with the given rate: 846 km/h.

2. Since 1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters, multiply the given rate by 1000 to convert kilometers to meters: 846 km/h * 1000 m/km = 846,000 m/h.

3. To convert hours to seconds, multiply the rate by 1/3600 since there are 3600 seconds in an hour: 846,000 m/h * (1/3600) h/s = 235 m/s.

Therefore, the rate of the jetliner traveling at 846 km/h is approximately 235 m/s.

useful conversion:

1 km = 1000 m
1 hr = 60 min = 60*60 s

*note: you can rewrite 846 km/hr into:
(846 km)*(1/hr)
thus, using dimensional analysis to cancel units,
(846 km)*(1000 m / 1 km) = 846*1000 m
(1/hr)*(1 hr / 60*60 s) = 1 / 60*60 s

now multiply both:
846*1000 * 1/(60*60) = ?

hope this helps. :)