Because proctor did not know the 6th commandment, then what happen?

Based on the information you provided, it seems that the person referred to as "proctor" did not know the 6th commandment. To understand what might happen as a result, let's first clarify that the 6th commandment is "Thou shall not kill" from the Bible.

If someone is unaware of this commandment, it could have different consequences depending on the context. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Personal moral implications: Ignorance of the 6th commandment may lead the person to be unaware of the moral and ethical implications of taking someone's life. Consequently, they may not understand the gravity of their actions if they were to intentionally cause harm or commit murder.

2. Legal consequences: In some legal systems, knowingly breaking the law can result in penalties or criminal charges. However, if the person genuinely did not know the 6th commandment and unintentionally transgressed it, legal consequences may vary, as intent and motive are often considered in legal proceedings.

3. Religious or spiritual impact: In religious contexts where adherence to the commandments is emphasized, not knowing the 6th commandment might hinder a person's spiritual growth or understanding of their faith. It could also raise questions about their knowledge and commitment to religious teachings.

It's important to note that the specific outcome would depend on the circumstances, legal jurisdiction, personal beliefs, and cultural factors surrounding the situation.