Could somebody help me start off this essay?

CD= Concrete detail ( Facts)
Commentary, ( Opinnion, but since this is a essay on religion, facts can go here)

I don't know how to start..

Heres what I've done so far:

oi55.tinypic( DOT) com/11azxnk.jpg

How did you do the tiny pic jpg thing, Allyson?

I uploaded it to tinypic, erased the beginning part, & put the (dot) part in to work, since you can't use web addresses here.

I assume you're working on the attention getter of the introduction.

How about?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have sometimes been at war with each another.

Thanks Ms Sue, and for CD number one, I wrote down: Life wasn't always peaceful for the three monotheistic religions, they were always fighting over land and items.

Is that good?


Thank you!

You're welcome.

CD= Concrete detail ( Facts)

Commentary, ( Opinnion, but since this is a essay on religion, facts can go here)

I don't know how to start..

No problem! Starting an essay can sometimes be challenging, but I'll be glad to help you out.

To begin your essay on religion, it's essential to provide some context and background information. You can start with a general statement or a thought-provoking question that piques the reader's interest in the topic. Here's a possible example to get you started:

"Religion has always played a significant role in shaping human history and societies. From ancient civilizations to modern times, it has influenced cultures, inspired good deeds, and unfortunately, at times, led to conflicts and divisions. In exploring the complexities of religion, it becomes evident that understanding the relationships between different faith traditions is crucial. This essay delves into the interconnectedness of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - three monotheistic religions that have both coexisted and collided throughout history."

With this introduction, you provide some background information and set the stage for your essay. Remember to include your thesis statement at the end of the introduction, summarizing the main points or arguments you will discuss in your essay.

I hope this helps you get started on your essay! If you need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck!

Of course! Starting an essay can be a bit challenging, but I'll do my best to help you out. Since your essay is on religion and you have a format in mind with concrete details (CD) and commentary, let's work on the introduction together.

1. Start with a captivating opening sentence: Begin your essay with an attention-grabbing statement or an intriguing question related to the topic of religion. This will help your reader be engaged from the start.

2. Provide some background information: After the opening sentence, you can provide a brief overview or context of the topic you will be discussing. This will help your readers understand the importance and relevance of the subject.

3. State your thesis statement: In your thesis statement, clearly state your main argument or purpose for writing the essay. This should give your readers an understanding of what to expect from your essay.

Here's an example of how you could start your essay:

"Religion, a concept that has shaped civilizations and influenced societies for centuries, continues to be a subject of profound curiosity and debate. From the ancient civilizations worshipping multiple gods to the modern-day world with a wide spectrum of belief systems, religion has left an indelible mark on humanity. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects of religion, delving into its historical significance, cultural impact, and the thought-provoking questions it raises. Through a combination of concrete details and well-reasoned commentary, we will navigate the complex landscape of religion to gain a deeper understanding of its influence on individuals and society as a whole."

Remember, this is just one possible way to start your essay. Feel free to modify or personalize it to suit your writing style and the specific focus of your essay. Good luck!