what is the percent by volume of 15.0 mL of ethanol in 0.250 L of water?

convert .25 L into mL by multiplying by 1000, then divide the volume of ethanol by the volume of water

To calculate the percent by volume, you need to divide the volume of ethanol by the total volume of the solution (ethanol + water) and then multiply by 100.

Step 1: Convert the volume of ethanol to liters:
15.0 mL = 15.0 mL * (1 L/1000 mL) = 0.015 L

Step 2: Calculate the total volume of the solution:
Volume of water = 0.250 L

Step 3: Calculate the percent by volume:
% by volume = (Volume of ethanol / Total volume) * 100
% by volume = (0.015 L / (0.015 L + 0.250 L)) * 100

Simplifying the denominator:
% by volume = (0.015 L / 0.265 L) * 100

% by volume ≈ 5.66%

Therefore, the percent by volume of 15.0 mL of ethanol in 0.250 L of water is approximately 5.66%.

To find the percent by volume of ethanol in a solution, you need to calculate the ratio of the volume of ethanol to the total volume of the solution, and then convert it to a percentage.

In this case, you have 15.0 mL of ethanol and 0.250 L (or 250 mL) of water.

Step 1: Convert the volume of ethanol to liters.
- 15.0 mL ÷ 1000 = 0.015 L

Step 2: Calculate the total volume of the solution by summing the volume of ethanol and water.
- 0.015 L (ethanol) + 0.250 L (water) = 0.265 L

Step 3: Calculate the percent by volume of ethanol.
- (0.015 L ÷ 0.265 L) × 100 = 5.66%

Therefore, the percent by volume of 15.0 mL of ethanol in 0.250 L of water is approximately 5.66%.