12. Solutions cans be supersaturated if they contain more dissolved solute than saturated solutions under the same conditions.- T?

16. Heating a solution decreases the solubility of the gas in it.- T?


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To determine if statement 12 is true or false, we need to understand the concept of supersaturation. A supersaturated solution is a solution that contains more dissolved solute than is normally possible under the given conditions of temperature and pressure. In other words, it is a solution that is holding more solute than it should be able to based on its saturation point.

To determine if statement 12 is true or false, we can simply compare it to the definition of supersaturation. The statement says that supersaturated solutions contain more dissolved solute than saturated solutions under the same conditions, which aligns with the definition. Therefore, the statement is true.

For statement 16, we need to understand how temperature affects the solubility of gases in a solution. In general, increasing the temperature usually decreases the solubility of gases in liquids.

This is because as the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the gas molecules also increases, causing them to move more rapidly. As a result, the gas molecules are more likely to escape from the liquid, leading to a decrease in solubility.

So, statement 16 is true. Heating a solution generally decreases the solubility of a gas in it.