What is the place value of the number? 14.(5)805


The place value of 8 in 805? It's value is 800 because the digit is 8 in the hundreds place.

To find the place value of a specific digit in a number, you need to understand the concept of place value. Every digit in a number has a specific place value based on its position.

In the given number 14.(5)805, the highlighted digit is 5.

To determine the place value of this digit, we count the number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point. In this case, there is no decimal point, so all digits are considered to be to the right of it.

Starting from the rightmost digit, we count the positions until we reach the highlighted digit. In this case, the highlighted digit is the third digit from the right.

So, the place value of the highlighted digit 5 is the thousands place.