the percentile rank of t5 = 1.476

To determine the percentile rank of a value, you need to compare it to the rest of the values in a given data set. Here is the step-by-step process to calculate the percentile rank:

1. Arrange the data set in ascending order.
2. Count the number of values in the data set.
3. Determine the position of the value whose percentile rank you want to find.
4. Use the following formula to calculate the percentile rank:

Percentile Rank = (Position - 0.5) / Number of Values * 100

Note: Subtracting 0.5 from the position helps to eliminate any ambiguity when dealing with discrete data.

Now, let's apply these steps using the given information:

1. Since only one value, t5 = 1.476, is provided, we can consider it as our data set.
2. Since there is only one value, the number of values is 1.
3. The position of t5 is also 1.
4. Calculating the percentile rank:

Percentile Rank = (1 - 0.5) / 1 * 100
Percentile Rank = 0.5 / 1 * 100
Percentile Rank = 0.5 * 100
Percentile Rank = 50

Therefore, the percentile rank of t5 is 50.