think about how the word safe relates to dangerous. what words relate in the same way?

safe: dangerous

a) remove:add
b) canyon:rim
c) dangle:plank
d) grip:jackhammer

I am thinking "A" is the correct answer but unsure. Please advise.


SAFE and DANGEROUS are opposites, right?

Then I agree with you that A. is correct. It's the only pair of words that is made up of opposites.

To determine which words relate in the same way as "safe" relates to "dangerous," we need to analyze the relationship between the two words.

In the given pair, "safe" and "dangerous" are antonyms or opposites. "Safe" refers to something that is secure, protected, or free from harm, while "dangerous" represents something that poses risks, threats, or is potentially harmful.

Now let's examine each option to find a word pair with a similar relationship:

a) remove:add - These words do not have an antonym relationship like "safe" and "dangerous" do. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

b) canyon:rim - A canyon and a rim are not opposites; they are part of a geographical formation. So, this option is also incorrect.

c) dangle:plank - Here, "dangle" and "plank" do not have a clear antonymic relationship like "safe" and "dangerous." This option is incorrect.

d) grip:jackhammer - "Grip" and "jackhammer" are not antonyms; they are related to how one holds or operates a tool. Therefore, this option is also incorrect.

Based on the analysis, none of the provided options have a relationship similar to "safe:dangerous." So, the answer would be "None of the above" or "There is no relationship among the given words that is similar to the relationship between 'safe' and 'dangerous.'"

I hope this explanation clarifies your understanding!