o Differentiate between management and leadershipwithinKraft Foods Ijustneedsome links to goto to find info where Ican do a 2,100 word essay

To differentiate between management and leadership within Kraft Foods or any organization, it is important to understand the basic concepts and characteristics of each. Here's how you can approach this topic and find relevant information for your essay:

1. Start with understanding Management:
- Look for definitions and theories of management. Understand the core functions of management, such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
- Explore how management focuses on decision-making, problem-solving, setting goals, allocating resources, and ensuring efficiency in processes.
- Research different management styles and the role of managers in day-to-day operations.

2. Shift to Leadership:
- Look for definitions and theories of leadership. Understand the core characteristics of effective leaders, such as vision, influence, motivation, and inspiration.
- Study various leadership styles, including transformational, transactional, autocratic, democratic, servant leadership, etc.
- Focus on the role of leaders in inspiring and guiding employees, fostering innovation, driving change, and building a positive work culture.

3. Analyze Management vs. Leadership within Kraft Foods:
- Visit the official website of Kraft Foods and explore the leadership team and executive biographies to understand the leadership structure within the company.
- Look for case studies, articles, interviews, or press releases discussing management and leadership practices within Kraft Foods. Consider reputable business publications, industry-specific journals, or academic databases.
- Analyze how management and leadership are promoted and integrated into the company's values, mission, and organizational structure.
- Identify examples of management practices (e.g., planning, organizing, controlling) and leadership behaviors (e.g., inspiring, empowering, guiding) within Kraft Foods.

4. Compose your essay:
- Once you have gathered enough information, plan the structure of your essay, including an introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
- Use your research findings to compare and contrast management and leadership within Kraft Foods. Provide specific examples to support your analysis.
- Discuss the importance of both management and leadership in ensuring the success of an organization like Kraft Foods.
- Conclude your essay by highlighting the significance of a balanced approach, where effective managers also possess leadership skills.

As for finding specific links and sources, consider visiting the official Kraft Foods website, reputable business magazines like Forbes or Fortune, academic databases like JSTOR, or using search engines like Google Scholar and Google Books. Remember to use proper citation and referencing in your essay.