kelly subtracted 2.3 from 20 and got 17.7 explain why this answer is reasonable

20 minus 2 is 18

2.3 is a little more than two, so the answer will be a little less than 18.

Kelly subtracted 2.3 from 20 and got 17.7 Explain why this answer is seasonable.

Kelly subtraction 2.3 from 20and got 17.7

To explain why the answer of 17.7 is reasonable, we can perform the subtraction operation ourselves and check if the result matches.

Kelly subtracted 2.3 from 20, which means we need to subtract 2.3 from 20:

20 - 2.3 = 17.7

By performing the subtraction, we indeed find that the result is 17.7, which matches Kelly's answer. Therefore, her answer of 17.7 is reasonable and correct.

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