I have a journal activity i have to turn in asap, is their any websites were i could find the reasoning why the 'framers' of the Constitution put in these purposes of the government?

-form a more perfect union
-establish justice
-insure domestic tranquility
-provide for the common defense
-promote the general welfare
-secure the blessings of liberty
these are all part of the preamble.


Thank you !

You're welcome.

Yes, there are several websites where you can find information about the reasoning behind the purposes of the government as stated in the preamble to the Constitution. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to find this information:

1. Start by searching for reliable sources such as government websites, educational institutions, or reputable news outlets. These sources are more likely to provide accurate and well-researched information.

2. Open a search engine such as Google or Bing and enter keywords related to your topic. For example, you can search for "reasons behind the purposes of government in the Constitution" or "explanation of the preamble of the Constitution."

3. As you browse through the search results, look for reliable sources that provide detailed explanations on the topic. Pay attention to the credibility of the source, such as the author's expertise or the reputation of the website or publication.

4. Government websites, such as the official website of the U.S. Constitution (constitution.congress.gov), may provide information directly from the framers' perspective or official historical documents related to the Constitution.

5. Educational websites, such as those of universities and schools, often have articles or resources that explain the intentions and reasoning behind the purposes stated in the preamble.

6. Reputable news outlets might have articles or opinion pieces discussing the historical context and motivations behind the framers' inclusion of these purposes.

7. Consider using online encyclopedias like Encyclopedia Britannica or reputable historical resources like the National Archives to find detailed explanations of the preamble and its purposes.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and cross-reference it with other reliable sources to ensure accuracy.