a vehicle uses 1 tablespoon to drive 125 yards. How many miles can the vehicle travel per mile?

The vehicle travels 1 mile per mile.


This car is a noob

To determine how many miles a vehicle can travel per tablespoon, we need to convert both tablespoons and yards to miles, and then calculate the ratio.

First, let's convert yards to miles. There are 1,760 yards in a mile, so we divide 125 yards by 1,760 to get the distance in miles.

125 yards / 1,760 yards/mile = 0.0707 miles

Now, we know that the vehicle uses 1 tablespoon to travel 0.0707 miles.

To find out how many miles the vehicle can travel per tablespoon, we need to calculate the reciprocal of 0.0707:

1 / 0.0707 = 14.1428 miles

Therefore, the vehicle can travel approximately 14.1428 miles per tablespoon.