R wants to round 47 to the nearest ten. Which halfway number can help him? 45, because it is halfway b/w 40 & 50 or 50, because it is halfway b/w 0 & 100?

You need to round 47 to the nearest 10.

Which number is closest to 47?

20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70

As you can see, 47 is closest to 50.

asking about a halfway number is irrelavent?

the answer would be 50 because if he wants to be rounding to the nearest 10 then that's what it would be


Best explanation I can come up with is:

45 B is the correct answer. Raphel wants to round to the nearest 10. Which would be 50. In normal rounding techniques the 47 would round up, but in this case, you have to look at it as what can replace 47 with the halfway number to round to the nearest 10. Replace 47 with 45 and your nearest rounding number is 50! Goes against everything I learned in math!

To round a number to the nearest ten, we look at the digit in the ones place. If it is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, we round down to the previous ten. If it is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, we round up to the next ten.

In this case, we are rounding the number 47 to the nearest ten. The digit in the ones place is 7, which is greater than 5. So, we need to round up to the next ten.

To determine which halfway number can help us, we can consider two options:
1. 45, which is halfway between 40 and 50
2. 50, which is halfway between 0 and 100

Between these options, the correct halfway number to consider is 50. This is because when rounding to the nearest ten, we want to find the halfway point between two consecutive tens. In this case, the consecutive tens are 40 and 50, so the halfway number is 50.

Therefore, R can use the halfway number 50 to round 47 to the nearest ten, which would result in 50.