paul is paid $5 per hour. one day paul works for 4 hours 15 minutes. calculate his total pay.

15 minutes is 15/60 or 0.25 hour (in decimal hour)

therefore, 5*4.25 = 21.25 dollars

so there,, :)

To calculate Paul's total pay, we need to convert the time worked from hours and minutes to decimal hours, and then multiply it by his hourly rate.

Step 1: Convert minutes to decimal hours
Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we need to divide the minutes worked by 60 to get the decimal equivalent. In this case, 15 minutes is equivalent to 15/60 = 0.25 hours.

Step 2: Calculate total hours worked
Add the decimal hours from Step 1 to the 4 hours worked, giving us a total of 4.25 hours worked.

Step 3: Multiply hours worked by the hourly rate
Multiply the total hours worked (4.25) by Paul's hourly rate of $5.

4.25 hours * $5/hour = $<<4.25*5=21.25>>21.25.

Therefore, Paul's total pay for working 4 hours and 15 minutes is $21.25.